Frequently Asked Questions


What is neurosurgery?

It is a medical specialty concerned with diagnosing and treating diseases and injuries that affect the central and peripheral nervous system, including the brain, spine, and peripheral nerves.

What are the symptoms that require you to go to a neurosurgeon?

Symptoms include severe, persistent headaches, cramps, weakness or numbness in the extremities, and sudden loss of the ability to see or hear.

What conditions does a neurosurgeon treat?

Brain, spinal cord and spine tumors, brain hemorrhages, spinal injuries, and nerve diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

What are the most common operations in neurosurgery?

Removing tumors, removing pressure from nerves, repairing disc hernias, and treating trigeminal neuralgia pain.

How long does recovery take after brain surgery?

The recovery period varies depending on the type of operation and the patient's condition, and may range from several weeks to several months, with the need for medical follow-up and rehabilitation.

What is a brain tumor?

It is an abnormal growth of cells within the brain, and it can be benign or malignant. Which affects different brain functions based on its location and size.

Can brain surgery improve quality of life?

Yes, surgery can improve quality of life by relieving pain, removing tumors, or correcting abnormalities that affect neurological function.

What are the early symptoms of brain tumors?

They include persistent headaches, nausea, vision or hearing changes, behavior or personality changes, and difficulty concentrating or remembering.

Can a brain tumor be treated with chemotherapy?

Yes, in some cases, chemotherapy can be used alongside surgery and radiotherapy to treat malignant tumors or to shrink their size before surgery.

What are the most important pre-surgical neurological examinations?

These include MRI, CT scan, blood tests, evaluation of heart and lung function, and a comprehensive neurological examination to determine general health status.

What is a stroke?

A stroke occurs when blood flow to part of the brain stops; This leads to nerve cell damage, and may cause loss of motor, sensory, or speech functions.

What are the risks of neurosurgery?

Risks include infection, bleeding, loss of nerve function, and the formation of blood clots, which may affect recovery. These complications can be avoided by relying on the services of a doctor who is highly experienced and competent in performing this type of delicate surgery.

Can neurosurgery cure epilepsy?

Yes, in some cases surgery can be performed to remove the epileptic foci that cause seizures. Which helps reduce or stop seizures.

What is microsurgical technique?

A surgical microscope is used to magnify tiny nerve structures; This allows the surgeon to perform precise and complex operations skillfully and safely.

Can brain surgery be performed endoscopically?

Yes, laparoscopic technology can be used to perform some brain and spine surgeries. This reduces surgical intervention and speeds up recovery.

What is the role of the neurosurgeon in stroke cases?

The surgeon can intervene to remove clots or relieve pressure on the brain. Which helps reduce nerve damage and improve the chances of recovery.

Can spinal pain be treated with surgery?

Yes, surgery can be used in certain cases, such as a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, or to treat spinal tumors, or when conservative treatments fail to relieve pain.

What is the cost of neurosurgery?

The cost varies greatly depending on the type of operation, the cost of anesthesia and surgical instruments used, and the experience of the treating physician. Surgical costs usually include hospital fees and the quality of post-operative care.

What care is required after brain surgery?

It includes continuous monitoring, physical therapy, and neurological rehabilitation to improve neurological and physical functions, in addition to regular medical follow-up.

What are the benefits of arthroscopic spine surgery?

Laparoscopic surgery reduces pain, recovery time and risk of infection compared to traditional open surgery, where surgery is performed through small incisions and specialized instruments.

Can spine surgery be avoided with physical therapy?

In some cases, physical therapy and therapeutic exercises can improve symptoms and avoid the need for surgery, especially in cases of chronic pain and simple disc herniation.

What is spinal stenosis?

هو تضيق القناة الشوكية (العصبية) التي يمر فيها الحبل الشوكي؛ مما يؤدي إلى الضغط على الحبل الشوكي أو الأعصاب المتفرعة منه، ويسبب الألم والتنميل وضعف الأطراف.

What is the role of physical therapy after spine surgery?

Physical therapy aims to improve movement, strengthen muscles, enhance the ability to perform daily activities, and help reduce pain and speed up recovery.

What are the ways to prevent head injuries?

These include wearing a protective helmet when cycling or practicing extreme sports, using a seat belt while driving a car, and taking safety measures to avoid falling.

How is cerebral hemorrhage treated?

Treatment is usually through surgical intervention to remove accumulated blood and relieve pressure on the brain, in addition to controlling the underlying cause of the bleeding.

What are the symptoms of spinal cord tumors?

They include pain at the tumor site, weakness or numbness in the extremities, loss of sensation, difficulty controlling urine and stool, and may also affect movement.

What is a slipped disc?

It is the exit or protrusion of part of the disc between the vertebrae. This leads to pressure on nearby nerves, causing pain, numbness, and perhaps weakness in the extremities.

What are the causes of a herniated disc?

Causes include aging, sports injuries or accidents, and irritation caused by excessive load on the vertebrae.

What are the symptoms of slipped disc?

Symptoms of a herniated disc include back pain, tingling or numbness in the extremities, and muscle weakness, and in severe cases the patient may lose the ability to control the work of the urinary bladder.

How is a herniated disc diagnosed?

Diagnosis includes a medical history, physical examination, and sometimes reliance on radiographs such as X-rays or MRI.

What is the difference between a herniated disc and a herniated disc?

A herniated disc refers to the slippage of the cartilage between the vertebrae, while a herniated disc refers to the slippage of the vertebrae themselves.

Can a herniated disc lead to muscle weakness?

Yes, pressure on nerves from a herniated disc can cause muscle weakness.

How can a herniated disc be treated?

A herniated disc can be treated with conservative treatment such as rest, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy. In severe cases, surgery can be used to relieve pressure on the nerves.

What is thermal frequency for spine problems?

Thermal frequency is a medical procedure that uses small electrical pulses to generate heat targeting the nerves responsible for pain in the spine; Which leads to pain relief by disrupting the sensory function of these nerves.

What lifestyle changes can be followed to relieve the symptoms of a herniated disc?

Typical lifestyle changes include maintaining correct sitting posture, getting proper exercise, and avoiding activities with high stress on the back.

Can a herniated disc be healed without surgery?

Yes, in simple cases, a herniated disc can improve with non-surgical treatments such as physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and lifestyle changes.

What is the trigeminal nerve?

The trigeminal nerve is a major facial nerve responsible for sensation and movement. It is divided into three branches that control the front of the head, the cheek, and the jaw. Irritation of this nerve causes severe pain known as trigeminal neuralgia.

What is the function of the trigeminal nerve?

The trigeminal nerve plays an important role in transmitting sensation from the face and scalp to the brain. It also contributes to controlling jaw and muscle movements that aid in chewing and speaking.

What are the treatments for trigeminal neuralgia?

Treatment includes anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants, and other medications, and in severe cases, surgery may be required to relieve pressure on the nerve. Trigeminal neuralgia pain can also be treated with thermal frequency.

What is thermal frequency to treat trigeminal neuralgia pain?

Thermal frequency for treating trigeminal neuralgia is a procedure that uses small electrical waves to generate precise heat targeting the trigeminal nerve, which disrupts the nerve signals that cause pain. This procedure is done under the guidance of specialized x-rays.