Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cerebral Catheterization

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cerebral Catheterization

Cerebral catheterization is one of the latest medical procedures involving the insertion of a very thin tube into the blood vessels of the brain, accessed through the femoral artery or the carotid artery.

Initially, cerebral catheterization was merely a diagnostic tool for detecting disorders and diseases affecting the brain’s arteries. However, with medical advancements, it has evolved into a highly precise surgical procedure used by doctors to diagnose and treat various medical conditions impacting the brain, thereby improving the chances of successful treatment without the complications associated with open surgery.

Overview of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cerebral Catheterization

Diagnostic and therapeutic cerebral catheterization are quite similar, with the main difference being the use of additional tools in the latter to treat the brain’s condition. Here’s a detailed explanation of each:

First: Diagnostic Cerebral Catheterization

Diagnostic cerebral catheterization is performed to precisely visualize and examine the health of the brain’s arteries without needing to open the skull. This is done through a very small incision, no larger than 2 mm, in the femoral artery. A thin catheter tube is inserted and guided using advanced catheter equipment until it reaches the neck arteries that supply blood to the brain, namely the carotid and vertebrobasilar arteries. A dye is then injected through the catheter to enhance the imaging of the arteries from all angles, allowing the doctor to diagnose the patient’s condition accurately.

Second: Therapeutic Cerebral Catheterization

Therapeutic cerebral catheterization is similar to the diagnostic procedure but involves the use of additional tools through the same incision to treat the brain’s condition. For instance, in cases of acute brain clots, stents can be inserted via the catheter to remove the clot from the blocked artery, thus treating the condition more easily without the need for open surgery and avoiding the associated risks and complications.

Steps of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cerebral Catheterization

Performing cerebral catheterization requires several medical tests and analyses, including kidney function tests and a complete blood count. The procedure involves the following steps:

  1. Sterile Hospital Clothing: The patient wears sterile hospital clothing.
  2. Sterilization of the Femoral Area: Usually performed on the right side.
  3. Local Anesthesia: The area where the catheter will be inserted is numbed using local anesthesia.
  4. Patient Monitoring Devices: Complete monitoring devices are attached to the patient to track pulse, breathing, and blood pressure.
  5. Small Surgical Incision: A small incision is made to insert the fine catheter above the femoral area.
  6. Catheter Control: The catheter’s movements are controlled using X-ray imaging to guide it to the brain’s arteries.
  7. Dye Injection: A dye is injected into the catheter tube to visualize the condition of the affected blood vessels.
  8. Therapeutic Intervention: If the catheterization is for treatment, the doctor uses specialized tools to place a stent or remove the clot from the affected artery.
  9. Catheter Removal and Wound Dressing: The catheter is removed, and the incision is dressed to prevent bleeding. The patient is monitored for about six hours.

Indications for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cerebral Catheterization

Cerebral catheterization is used to diagnose and treat many brain conditions, including:

  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Stroke
  • Acute brain clot
  • Aneurysms
  • Severe headaches
  • Memory loss
  • Speech difficulties
  • Narrowing of brain and neck arteries
  • Visual disturbances
  • Loss of balance and movement ability
  • Arteriovenous malformations in the brain
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • Brain tumors
  • Displacement of brain tissues
  • Fluid accumulation in the brain

Advantages of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cerebral Catheterization

The procedure offers numerous benefits, including:

  • No need for large surgical incisions.
  • Performed under local anesthesia, unlike open surgery which requires general anesthesia.
  • Shorter recovery time.
  • In some cases, patients may be discharged on the same day.
  • Less time-consuming compared to traditional brain surgeries.
  • Avoids complications and side effects of open surgery.

Success Rate of Cerebral Catheterization

Diagnostic and therapeutic cerebral catheterization are highly successful procedures, with a success rate of up to 95%. However, the success rate varies based on the patient’s health condition and the experience and proficiency of the treating physician.

Duration of Cerebral Catheterization

The duration of the procedure ranges from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the complexity of the patient’s condition. In some complicated cases, the duration may be longer.

Best Doctor for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cerebral Catheterization in Egypt

Professor Dr. Yousry Anwar El-Hamili, Professor of Neurosurgery and Spine Surgery at Cairo University Medical School, is the ideal choice for performing diagnostic and therapeutic cerebral catheterization due to:

  • Extensive and long-standing experience in diagnosing and treating various brain conditions, including cerebral catheterization.
  • Ownership of a state-of-the-art medical center equipped with the latest tools and technologies to ensure effective and guaranteed treatment outcomes.
  • Comprehensive medical care tailored to each patient’s needs, ensuring the best possible health outcomes.
  • Adherence to all necessary sterilization standards to ensure patient safety and prevent infections.

If you suffer from any brain conditions and their symptoms and require diagnostic and therapeutic cerebral catheterization, do not hesitate to book your appointment now with Professor Dr. Yousry Anwar El-Hamili. He will guide you through your journey to recovery with precise diagnosis, effective treatment, and careful monitoring throughout the recovery period. Contact us now.