Cartilage Surgeries

Cartilage Surgeries

Cartilage surgeries are among the most common spinal surgeries. Cartilage is a gelatinous material known as a disc, located between the vertebrae of the spine to prevent friction between them, enhancing the flexibility of human movement. As we age, this cartilage may get injured, worn out, or herniated, causing pressure on the nerves and resulting in severe pain. In severe cases, surgical intervention may be required, known as herniated disc surgery or discectomy.

Cartilage surgeries are a primary service offered at the center of Professor Dr. Yousry Anwar El-Hamili—Professor of Neurosurgery and Spine Surgery at Cairo University Medical School. Let’s delve into the details of these surgeries and the expertise of Dr. Yousry and his distinguished team in facilitating your recovery journey.

Overview of Herniated Disc Surgery

Herniated discs can cause nerve damage, significantly impacting an individual’s life. When other treatments fail, doctors may resort to emergency surgery to partially or completely repair or remove the damaged disc, depending on the severity of the condition. The surgery can be performed using various techniques, classified into:

  • Minimally Invasive Surgery: Procedures performed with minimal surgical intervention using an endoscope.
  • Open Surgery: More extensive surgical procedures requiring a broader surgical intervention.

The type of surgical intervention is chosen based on the severity of the condition, the extent of the symptoms, and the location of the herniated disc. The primary goal of the surgery is to relieve nerve pressure, alleviating pain and other symptoms.

Indications for Cartilage Surgeries

Cartilage injuries that can be treated with cartilage surgeries include:

  • Articular Cartilage Defects: Damage to the cartilage in joints.
  • Chondral Defects: Damage to the cartilage tissue.
  • Osteochondral Defects: Damage to the articular cartilage and the surrounding bone.
  • Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD): Inflammatory conditions affecting the cartilage.
  • Avascular Necrosis (AVN): Bone tissue death due to lack of blood supply.

Types of Cartilage Surgeries

Several types of cartilage surgeries exist, and the doctor will determine the most suitable one based on the patient’s condition and the nature of the injury, including:

Meniscus Surgery

Meniscus surgery treats meniscal tears when physical therapy fails. The surgery aims to restore the knee joint’s strength and enhance its flexibility. This minimally invasive surgery is performed using an endoscope through small incisions on either side of the affected knee joint to repair or remove the damaged meniscus.

Lumbar Disc Surgery

Lumbar disc surgery treats nerve compression in the lower spine, causing pain that may radiate to the legs. The surgery involves making a small incision in the back above the affected area to reduce spinal pressure by removing a small or large portion of the vertebrae, depending on the severity and needs of the condition.

Knee Cartilage Surgery

This minimally invasive surgery treats tears in the knee’s surface cartilage. The surgery involves smoothing the edges of the cartilage or replacing it with an artificial one using various techniques, depending on the severity.

Surgical Techniques for Cartilage Surgeries

In cartilage surgeries, the surgeon removes the cartilage compressing the nerves causing symptoms, either wholly or partially, using one of the following methods:

Traditional Discectomy

The oldest method for cartilage surgeries, traditional discectomy is an open surgery performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes multiple incisions to access and remove the damaged cartilage entirely or partially, depending on the condition’s needs.

Endoscopic Discectomy

Endoscopic discectomy is an advanced, minimally invasive cartilage surgery performed under local or general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision of about 1 to 2 inches and removes the damaged cartilage using specialized tools, relying on medical imaging technology to minimize complications associated with open surgery.

Percutaneous Discectomy

A minimally invasive cartilage surgery technique, percutaneous discectomy involves removing the damaged cartilage using a needle. The surgeon cuts or eliminates the tissue using precise tools or a laser, helping the patient recover quickly and relieve symptoms.

Although these methods vary, the appropriate type of cartilage surgery is determined by the treating physician after diagnosing the condition and assessing the extent of the damage.

Best Doctor for Cartilage Surgeries

Professor Dr. Yousry Anwar El-Hamili, a professor in the Department of Neurosurgery and Spine Surgery at Cairo University Medical School, is regarded as the best doctor for various cartilage surgeries due to:

  • Extensive Experience: Expertise in precise neurosurgery and spine surgery, including cartilage surgeries.
  • Advanced Medical Center: Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, tools, and modern equipment ensuring highly effective surgical outcomes.
  • Personalized Care: Committed to providing the best possible medical care tailored to your condition.
  • Accurate Diagnosis: Offers precise diagnoses to choose the surgery and treatment that best meet your health needs.
  • Safety Protocols: Adheres to all precautionary sterilization procedures to ensure patient safety.

If you suffer from cartilage issues, you can book an appointment with Professor Dr. Yousry Anwar El-Hamili—Master of General Surgery and Professor of Neurosurgery at Cairo University. We offer exceptional care in our cartilage surgery department, helping you overcome your discomfort and providing comprehensive healthcare from diagnosis through treatment to recovery.